
It has been almost two months since I wrote my blog last time.
I've been thinking I'm lazy and no goals person.
But I want to do that I want, little by little.
First of all, I want to write this blog everyday from today. (I always write same purpose. Absolutely I thought so always. I couldn't keep doing this some reasons though.)

I decided to spend time with new kitten.
His name is Ricky (aka Chibi-chan). He is so smart and cute kitten.
He was hit by a car in front of Willton. Chris found him and he brought the kitten to animal hospital. Vet said no broken bones.
And then it was started that Willton teachers were looking for person who wanted to adopt the kitten.

For me, I just lost my black cat in this January. And my white cat has seemed really lonely and he seems old cat.
I thought he needs his partner like black cat.
But I also thought he might not be able to accept other cats.
So I was really worried about getting new kitten.
At first, I tried to meet them each other one night as a trial. They were hissing, punching and hiding each other, and then it ended in failure at day 1.
Secondly, I tried to keep spending them to same place almost 1 week. They were still hissing and hiding each other.
But after 1 week, I was surprised to find, Shiro-chan was licking Ricky's body!
I thought it gonna be ok finally.

And here is what I am now.
Ricky is getting bigger and taller. Shiro-chan and Ricky are playing, licking and sleeping together.
I learned many things from them.
Thank you Ricky and Shiro-chan and I hope we'll continue in the future as well!


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