I saw Kabuki last weekend.
Kabuki is the most well-known Japanese theatrical art.
Kabuki is 歌舞伎 in Japanese. It's means 歌(ka), singing + 舞(bu), dancing + 伎(ki), art, artist. It is an all-round theatrical art consisting of music, dance and acting.
Kabuki has also many rules because of a long histories.
For example it has only been performed by males, who play both the male and female roles. It also use the hereditary system to pass down their positions.
All singing and dancing has meanings, and it is difficult to understand for me.
Therefore, I thought watching Kabuki is tiring a little.
I go to see the kabuki once a year.
It is difficult understanding, but I like it.
This time, I saw 忠臣蔵(Chuushingura).
Chushingura is one of the most popular stories among the Japanese. I think this story is known by almost Japanese.
I think it is the most interesting I've ever seen before.
Of course, I used an earphone guide! It helped me during the play perfectly!

Kabuki is the most well-known Japanese theatrical art.
Kabuki is 歌舞伎 in Japanese. It's means 歌(ka), singing + 舞(bu), dancing + 伎(ki), art, artist. It is an all-round theatrical art consisting of music, dance and acting.
Kabuki has also many rules because of a long histories.
For example it has only been performed by males, who play both the male and female roles. It also use the hereditary system to pass down their positions.
All singing and dancing has meanings, and it is difficult to understand for me.
Therefore, I thought watching Kabuki is tiring a little.
I go to see the kabuki once a year.
It is difficult understanding, but I like it.
This time, I saw 忠臣蔵(Chuushingura).
Chushingura is one of the most popular stories among the Japanese. I think this story is known by almost Japanese.
I think it is the most interesting I've ever seen before.
Of course, I used an earphone guide! It helped me during the play perfectly!
