last day
I am finally having the last night in U.S. when Red Sox beat Rockies 4-3 to win in World Series championship.
I've stayed for 20 days.
Although it was only 20 days, I got a lot of great experiences.
I feel conversation is not only grammer and vocabulary but have a lot of guts and smiles.
I want to keep trying to study English when I go back to Japan.
And then I want to write about my journey at the blog.

I've stayed for 20 days.
Although it was only 20 days, I got a lot of great experiences.
I feel conversation is not only grammer and vocabulary but have a lot of guts and smiles.
I want to keep trying to study English when I go back to Japan.
And then I want to write about my journey at the blog.

Enjoy your last day in the U.S., Aya.
I'm eagerly waiting for your blog about your great experiences there. Please write 'em soon..
I thought that I could write this blog while my trip.
But actually, I really enjoyed every day.
So I wasn't able to take the time to write this blog.
Thank you for waiting for my blog.
And we will meet soon..