snow and antiques
Today, I went to a one-day trip to Takayama.
I and my boyfriend love this place.
Because it takes only 2.5 hours by train, but we can feel fresh air different from Nagoya.
Also there are good restaurants, favorite an antiques gallery and an art museum.
And above all, the place have a very special atmosphere.
So we usually go to this place once a month or once two months.
Especially, It snowed a lot in Takayama in this new year.
I felt it was really fantastic world, but it was very cold world.

We bought a cat with a beckoning paw(招き猫).
It was probably made during the Taisho period.
It has been alive almost for a hundred years.
I think of the days long past about it.
It might have gone through many experiences.
it also might have crossed between a lot of people.
I feel that through an encounter with antiques are miracle.
I and my boyfriend love this place.
Because it takes only 2.5 hours by train, but we can feel fresh air different from Nagoya.
Also there are good restaurants, favorite an antiques gallery and an art museum.
And above all, the place have a very special atmosphere.
So we usually go to this place once a month or once two months.
Especially, It snowed a lot in Takayama in this new year.
I felt it was really fantastic world, but it was very cold world.

We bought a cat with a beckoning paw(招き猫).
It was probably made during the Taisho period.
It has been alive almost for a hundred years.
I think of the days long past about it.
It might have gone through many experiences.
it also might have crossed between a lot of people.
I feel that through an encounter with antiques are miracle.

By the way, according to Chinese people beckoning cat brings GOOD LUCK to business. So, you're lucky because you have it.
Do you believe that it brings good luck?
I started new job from yesterday, so I hope it invite GOOD LUCK to business for me!
What a coincidence, Aya? You have your new lucky charm and new job as well...I'm sure this year is a lucky year fo you, not just in career but also in love life.