Are we strange people?
In the morning I saw very strange person who opened an umbrella at underground shopping center.
At that time, I and my boyfriend ate breakfast at Starbucks on the underground shopping center, We blinked eyes each other.
It’s true this is rainy season.
But it isn’t necessary that umbrella opened in the underground shopping center.
We thought there are a lot of strange people in this world.
By the way, We saw fabulous pottery vase by famous potter in Japan.
It’s like a dream and a magic, I have feeling I may go to heven.
I don’t know how to express that splendor of pottery in English.
Of course, I don’t know how to say in Japanese.
My boyfriend asked dealer how much will it be.
But dealer could't answer, because it was expensive too much!
He said us, "we will hold exhibition and sale next month, we hope meet there."
We assumed It was probably over 10 million yen.
We decided to buy lotto this month.
And we are wishing the lottery to be hit.
Are we also strange people?
At that time, I and my boyfriend ate breakfast at Starbucks on the underground shopping center, We blinked eyes each other.
It’s true this is rainy season.
But it isn’t necessary that umbrella opened in the underground shopping center.
We thought there are a lot of strange people in this world.
By the way, We saw fabulous pottery vase by famous potter in Japan.
It’s like a dream and a magic, I have feeling I may go to heven.
I don’t know how to express that splendor of pottery in English.
Of course, I don’t know how to say in Japanese.
My boyfriend asked dealer how much will it be.
But dealer could't answer, because it was expensive too much!
He said us, "we will hold exhibition and sale next month, we hope meet there."
We assumed It was probably over 10 million yen.
We decided to buy lotto this month.
And we are wishing the lottery to be hit.
Are we also strange people?
