2011 was the year that...
There were a lot of things in 2011.
Especially as for Japan, it's hard to describe about 3.11.
As you know, big earthquake and tsunami hit northern east Japan. It was a magnitude 9.0 (Mw) undersea megathrust earthquake off the coast of Japan that occurred at 14:46 on Friday, 11 March 2011. The Japanese National Police Agency confirmed 15,844 deaths, 5,890 injured and 3,451 people still missing across eighteen prefectures, as well as over 125,000 buildings damaged or destroyed.
Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan said, "In the 65 years after the end of World War II, this is the toughest and the most difficult crisis for Japan.
I think almost all of people who related to Japan were completely changed in their standpoints.
We became strong spiritually through our tough experience.
And we realized that life is short and nobody are sure what will happen.
For this reason, we should try to keep challenging and do our best.
Stay hungry. Stay foolish.
Especially as for Japan, it's hard to describe about 3.11.
As you know, big earthquake and tsunami hit northern east Japan. It was a magnitude 9.0 (Mw) undersea megathrust earthquake off the coast of Japan that occurred at 14:46 on Friday, 11 March 2011. The Japanese National Police Agency confirmed 15,844 deaths, 5,890 injured and 3,451 people still missing across eighteen prefectures, as well as over 125,000 buildings damaged or destroyed.
Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan said, "In the 65 years after the end of World War II, this is the toughest and the most difficult crisis for Japan.
I think almost all of people who related to Japan were completely changed in their standpoints.
We became strong spiritually through our tough experience.
And we realized that life is short and nobody are sure what will happen.
For this reason, we should try to keep challenging and do our best.
Stay hungry. Stay foolish.