smart life
This is a title of my blog.
I named this title that I hope I am able to spend great, enjoyable and smart life.
Life is short, so I want to enjoy my life.
The other hand, I have a car named "SMART".
This is one of the smallest car made by Germany.
The project idea was originally started by Swiss watch manufacturer Swatch and was nicknamed the "Swatchmobile".
Being inexperienced in automobiles, Swatch CEO found a partner with Daimler-Benz.
So the name SMART is an acronym for Swatch Mercedes ART.
Be that as it may, I love my car.
It is cute, good performance, fuel-efficient, I can park easily and smart.
I have driven this car for six years.
I saw this car when I traveled in U.S..

I knew that SMART was imported by parallel importer.
But this is first time I saw SMART in NY.
I felt so proud of my car.
Last weekend I went to a meeting of Kimono school.
I was late, so I was hurrying up in time.
It was fortuitous happening.
I hit a back of my car into another car.
My car broke easily.
I was so sad.
I named this title that I hope I am able to spend great, enjoyable and smart life.
Life is short, so I want to enjoy my life.
The other hand, I have a car named "SMART".
This is one of the smallest car made by Germany.
The project idea was originally started by Swiss watch manufacturer Swatch and was nicknamed the "Swatchmobile".
Being inexperienced in automobiles, Swatch CEO found a partner with Daimler-Benz.
So the name SMART is an acronym for Swatch Mercedes ART.
Be that as it may, I love my car.
It is cute, good performance, fuel-efficient, I can park easily and smart.
I have driven this car for six years.
I saw this car when I traveled in U.S..

I knew that SMART was imported by parallel importer.
But this is first time I saw SMART in NY.
I felt so proud of my car.
Last weekend I went to a meeting of Kimono school.
I was late, so I was hurrying up in time.
It was fortuitous happening.
I hit a back of my car into another car.
My car broke easily.
I was so sad.
On the other hand, your car is so cute and rare. It's one in a million. You're very lucky to have that. And I'm sure you're very proud for being the owner of that car.